Your First Move Module
This tutorial details how to compile, test, publish and interact with Move modules on the Aptos blockchain.
Install the CLI
Install the precompiled binary for the Aptos CLI.
Create an account and fund it
After installing the CLI binary, create and fund an account on the Aptos blockchain.
Start a new terminal and run the following command to initialize a new local account:
aptos init
You will see output asking to choose a network:
Choose network from [devnet, testnet, mainnet, local, custom | defaults to devnet]
Press return to accept the default devnet network or specify the network of your choosing:
No network given, using devnet...
See and respond to the prompt for your private key by accepting the default to create a new or by entering an existing key:
Enter your private key as a hex literal (0x...) [Current: None | No input: Generate new key (or keep one if present)]
Assuming you elected to create a new, you will see:
No key given, generating key...
Account a345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a doesn't exist, creating it and funding it with 100000000 Octas
Account a345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a funded successfully
Aptos CLI is now set up for account a345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a as profile default! Run `aptos --help` for more information about commands
"Result": "Success"
The account address in the above output a345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a
is your new account and is aliased as the profile default
. This account address will be different for you as it is generated randomly. From now on, either default
or 0xa345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a
are used interchangeably in this document. Of course, substitute your own address as needed.
Now fund this account by running this command:
aptos account fund-with-faucet --account default
You will see output resembling:
"Result": "Added 100000000 Octas to account a345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a"
Compile and test the module
Several example Move modules are available in the aptos-core/aptos-move/move-examples directory for your use. Open a terminal and change directories into the hello_blockchain
cd aptos-core/aptos-move/move-examples/hello_blockchain
Run the below command to compile the hello_blockchain
aptos move compile --named-addresses hello_blockchain=default
You will see output resembling:
"Result": [
The compile
command must contain --named-addresses
as above because the Move.toml
file leaves this as undefined (see below).
To test the module run:
aptos move test --named-addresses hello_blockchain=default
And receive output like:
Running Move unit tests
[ PASS ] 0x1a42874787568af30c785622899a27dacce066d671fa487e7fb958d6d0c85077::message::sender_can_set_message
[ PASS ] 0x1a42874787568af30c785622899a27dacce066d671fa487e7fb958d6d0c85077::message_tests::sender_can_set_message
Test result: OK. Total tests: 2; passed: 2; failed: 0
"Result": "Success"
To prepare the module for the account created in the previous step, we specify that the named address hello_blockchain
is set to our account address, using the default
profile alias.
hello_blockchain = "_"
Publish the Move module
After the code is compiled and tested, we can publish the module to the account created for this tutorial with the command:
aptos move publish --named-addresses hello_blockchain=default
You will see the output similar to:
package size 1631 bytes
"Result": {
"transaction_hash": "0x45d682997beab297a9a39237c588d31da1cd2c950c5ab498e37984e367b0fc25",
"gas_used": 13,
"gas_unit_price": 1,
"pending": null,
"sender": "a345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a",
"sequence_number": 8,
"success": true,
"timestamp_us": 1661320216343795,
"version": 3977,
"vm_status": "Executed successfully"
At this point, the module is now stored on the account in the Aptos blockchain.
Interact with the Move module
Move modules expose access points, known as entry functions. These entry functions can be called via transactions. The Aptos CLI allows for seamless access to these entry functions. The example Move module hello_blockchain
exposes a set_message
entry function that takes in a string
. This can be called via the CLI:
aptos move run \
--function-id 'default::message::set_message' \
--args 'string:hello, blockchain'
Upon success, the CLI will print out the following:
"Result": {
"transaction_hash": "0x1fe06f61c49777086497b199f3d4acbee9ea58976d37fdc06d1ea48a511a9e82",
"gas_used": 1,
"gas_unit_price": 1,
"pending": null,
"sender": "a345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a",
"sequence_number": 1,
"success": true,
"timestamp_us": 1661320878825763,
"version": 5936,
"vm_status": "Executed successfully"
The set_message
function modifies the hello_blockchain
resource. A resource is a data structure that is stored in global storage. The resource can be read by querying the following REST API:
After the first execution, this should contain:
"type": "0xa345dbfb0c94416589721360f207dcc92ecfe4f06d8ddc1c286f569d59721e5a::message::MessageHolder",
"data": {
"message": "hello, blockchain"
Notice that the message
field contains hello, blockchain
Each succesful call to set_message
after the first call results in the MessageChange
event being emitted. MessageChange
is a Module Event. Module Events for a given account can be accessed via the GraphQL API.
Other accounts can reuse the published module by calling the exact same function as in this example. It is left as an exercise to the reader.